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Community Workforce Agreement

Community Workforce Agreement: What it is and How it Helps

A Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) is a legal agreement between a developer and the local community that sets certain requirements for hiring workers during a construction project. The primary goal of a CWA is to ensure that local workers and those from underrepresented groups have access to job opportunities and fair wages.

Construction projects often provide significant economic benefits to the community in which they are situated. However, without a CWA, these benefits may not be distributed equally among the local workforce. A CWA establishes guidelines for hiring and training local workers, ensuring that they have adequate skills and training to perform the jobs required. This agreement also helps ensure that workers receive fair wages, benefits, and safe working conditions.

CWAs can be a critical tool for promoting equity in the construction industry. They help ensure that marginalized workers, such as women, minorities, and veterans, have the opportunity to access the benefits of construction projects. Further, CWAs can be a valuable mechanism for developing the next generation of construction workers, providing training and apprenticeships that will benefit the local workforce for years to come.

While there are critics of CWAs who argue that they can drive up construction costs or limit the flexibility of contractors, the benefits of these agreements are clear. Numerous studies have shown that CWAs can reduce construction-related accidents and increase productivity, resulting in cost savings over the long term. Additionally, CWAs can help ensure that projects are completed on time and on budget, which can be critical for developers looking to manage project risk.

In conclusion, a CWA is a powerful tool for promoting local economic development and job creation. By promoting equity in the construction industry and providing training and apprenticeships to local workers, CWAs can help ensure that communities benefit fully from construction projects. Developers looking to work with local communities should consider working with them to establish a CWA as part of their project planning process.