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How Do You Write an Addendum to a Real Estate Contract

When it comes to purchasing or selling real estate, it`s important to get everything in writing to protect both parties. However, sometimes circumstances may change after the initial contract is signed, leading to the need for an addendum. An addendum is an additional document that outlines changes made to the original contract.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to add an addendum to a real estate contract, follow these steps:

1. Identify the need for an addendum – The first step in writing an addendum is identifying the need for it. The addendum should address any changes that have occurred since the original contract was signed, such as an extension of the closing date or a change in the purchase price.

2. Draft the addendum – Once you`ve identified the need for an addendum, draft the document. The addendum should contain the following:

– The name of the original contract

– The names of the parties involved

– The date the original contract was signed

– A description of the changes being made

– The date the addendum is being signed

3. Review and sign the addendum – After drafting the addendum, it`s important to review it carefully to ensure accuracy. Once both parties have reviewed and agreed to the changes, sign the addendum and attach it to the original contract.

It`s worth noting that the addendum should be as detailed and clear as possible to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings. Be sure to also consult with legal counsel to ensure that the addendum complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

In conclusion, adding an addendum to a real estate contract can be a straightforward process if you follow these steps. By getting everything in writing, you can ensure that both parties are protected and that any changes made to the original contract are clearly documented.