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Subject Verb Agreement Mcq Class 9 Cbse

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental concept in English grammar that is crucial to mastering the language. In Class 9 CBSE exams, students are often tested on their understanding of subject-verb agreement through multiple-choice questions. In this article, we will explore the basics of subject-verb agreement and provide some tips on how to tackle MCQs related to this topic.

Subject-verb agreement refers to the relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence, specifically how they match in terms of number and person. The verb must agree with the subject in number (singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third).

For example, in the sentence “The boy plays football,” the singular subject “boy” matches with the singular verb “plays.” Similarly, in the sentence “The boys play football,” the plural subject “boys” matches with the plural verb “play.”

Here are some rules to keep in mind when dealing with subject-verb agreement:

1. A singular subject takes a singular verb, and a plural subject takes a plural verb.

2. When the subject is joined by “and,” the verb should be plural.

3. When the subject and verb are separated by words or phrases, it is essential to identify the subject correctly to determine the correct verb form.

4. When using words like “each,” “every,” “neither,” or “either,” the verb should be singular.

5. Collective nouns (such as “team” or “family”) can be treated as singular or plural, depending on the context of the sentence.

When it comes to MCQs related to subject-verb agreement, students should pay attention to the number and person of the subject and choose the verb form that matches it. It is also essential to read the entire sentence carefully to identify any additional words or phrases that might affect the subject-verb agreement.

Here are some examples of MCQs related to subject-verb agreement that students might encounter in Class 9 CBSE exams:

1. Which of the following sentences has a subject-verb agreement error?

a. The cat and the dog plays together.

b. The cat and the dog play together.

c. The cat and the dogs plays together.

d. The cats and the dog plays together.

The correct answer is (b) – “The cat and the dog play together” – because the subject “cat and dog” is plural and requires the plural verb “play.”

2. Which of the following sentences has a subject-verb agreement error?

a. Neither John nor Jane is attending the party.

b. Neither John nor Jane are attending the party.

c. Either the red or the blue dress looks good on her.

d. Either the red or the blue dress look good on her.

The correct answer is (b) – “Neither John nor Jane are attending the party” – because the subject “neither John nor Jane” is singular and requires the singular verb “is.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential concept in English grammar that students must master to excel in their exams. By understanding the basic rules and practicing with MCQs, students can improve their ability to identify and use the correct verb form with any given subject.